It has surely been a year of change, and I feel like there are many reasons to give thanks.
This time last year I was a complete mess. Thankfully, I was able to get myself out of that situation and move onto something else. In May, I got the opportunity to head back to Sevilla for the first time in 10 years, and reunite with my amigos muchos. It was so much fun, and much too short a time. How I miss them and those days, and still now, six months later, my desire to go back to Sevilla has not subsided.
I am especially thankful that Americans wised up and made the better choice for our country, and, while it was a bittersweet day here in California, I am hopeful that something good will come out of this all.
My family has remained healthy throughout the year, with a new addition since last Thanksgiving and some excellent accomplishments. And my personal life I think, is going in a good way. We'll see on that one.
While we have a steep road ahead of us, I have hope that we will all reach the top together. I wish all of you a very happy Thanksgiving.