30 December 2010
Be the Change: Three Cups of Tea
This idea is somewhat paralyzing for me...there is so much I'd like to do, but I am not exactly sure in what way. Volunteering, paying it forward, etc. has always been a big part of my life; I started volunteering at about 16 and haven't really stopped, from joining the community service fraternity in college to being on the executive board of directors for a prominent local non-profit. While I have worked hard throughout my life, I know I was lucky to be born into the situation I was, and had excellent role models in my parents, who do a lot of good without ever asking for recognition or thanks -- it is very important for me to help give back and participate in making the world a better place.
To help inspire me more, my friend recommended that I read Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson. And I am so grateful he did, because this book is not only inspirational, it is has changed my perspective on life (which may sound melodramatic, but thems the truths).
Greg is one person who was able to help many. Through a truly grass roots effort, he worked tirelessly to fix a problem he saw. He lived in his car, using his money instead to rent time at the local copy shop to write letters, and buy postage to send them. When he finally hit pay dirt, he was able to use fairly minimal funds to build something that will make a huge difference to current and future generations.
One person. Being the change he wanted to see.
It makes me think, if every one of us did just one thing, once a week/month/year, to be that change... what could we accomplish. If we concentrated our efforts, what greatness we could achieve. To me, Three Cups of Tea is something we can all do, and is my rebuttal when people say to me, "well, that's nice that you do that, but I don't have time and don't really think my effort will make any difference to anyone*."
As I move into 2011, this has been weighing heavily on my mind. When something significant happens in your life, you tend to reevaluate things...am I on the right path? Am I doing what I enjoy and makes me feel like I am doing something relevant?
I am starting to wrap up my last year on the board of directors, and looking for my next focus. In my current role, I have helped make a difference in the lives of at least 6,000 high school girls, at least that's my hope, and I have loved (almost) every minute of it. I want to be able to continue this, maybe with a different demographic.
If this past year has taught me anything, it is that we don't know what is around the corner, so it is important to just DO, and not think too much. Hearing about so much of what my parents have done, things I didn't know about prior to my dad passing, is really inspirational to me...I always wondered where my brother & I got this bug, and now I know.
So there is my challenge, my resolution, my hope for 2011: to continue to make a difference, and continue to strive to be the change I'd like to see in this world. There is so much opportunity, and just one person can make a ginormous difference.
*caveat: I don't hear this from many, or any, of my friends. I have an AMAZING group of friends, many of whom are involved in their own associations, and all of whom make an effort to get to each others' fundraising events, volunteer days, etc. This is something for which I feel truly blessed.
23 December 2010
12 December 2010
Brava! Brava!: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

So often, movies make a mockery of a good book. They try to cram too much into two hours, attempting to hit every plot point that the book presented, failing to make the movie very deep or interesting.
25 November 2010
Gobble Gobble
23 November 2010
Love This: A Bird's Song
15 November 2010
Kick Some @ss
27 October 2010
Scary Things
26 October 2010
Boston in Fall

24 October 2010
Ok, Baseball Season, Enough Now
18 October 2010
17 October 2010
Following the Rules

12 October 2010
25 September 2010
Pretty Boy
Some people think this is mean...but Luca likes to make me laugh, and this sure did.
22 September 2010
Time Passes
It's been a month since my world was completely turned upside down. I'd like to think things are getting better -- I know someday they will -- but right now, that's just not happening...and with birthdays, holidays, and family events coming up...well, I imagine it's all just going to suck.
19 September 2010
Boo: Tasting Fees
15 September 2010
11 September 2010
Get your Dance On
08 September 2010
Must Read: Zeitoun

Zeitoun is an American, born in the middle east. He and his family had a booming business in New Orleans, and he is as hard a worker as you've ever seen (in a way, his description reminded me of my dad, who I think would also have been bull-headed and not left his business in the path of an oncoming storm). His family leaves NOLA, while he stays behind.
06 September 2010
Summertime Rolls...
The end of summer always brought mixed feelings for me. Often, I was ready to go back to school or do something. But Labor Day also meant take down weekend at the River, and saying goodbye to all our summer family.
02 September 2010
I Choose Me

Happy 9.02.10!
- It's ok to call someone else a slut for sleeping with a bunch of guys, even if I have slept with all the same people.
- U4EA may make you do the nasty with someone, even if you've already said no
- Getting caught in a fire may be a gateway to experimenting in lesbianism.
And you should never, but never, make Ray Pruit mad.
31 August 2010
26 August 2010
This is the Sh*ts
23 August 2010
Yes, please!!
The sun is finally out, and the heat turned up! Whoo-hoo...
Hopefully this means the start of our late summer (even though it is only supposed to be hot until Wednesday)...and with Labor Day coming soon, hopefully it means the end of what was a pretty crappy traditional summer for me.
Enjoy...the view from the treadmill at my gym!
18 August 2010
Day Trippin'
14 August 2010

11 August 2010
Fingers Crossed: Moving Forward
Last week, the California Supreme Court ruled that Proposition 8 was unconstitutional.
09 August 2010
El Fin: Boozehound Legacy
Our team, the Boozehounds, is still going strong and carrying on our legacy. But it was really, really fun while it lasted (and I went out as a champion, so...can't get much better than that! [I won't say champion of what because it's a lil' embarrassing]).
31 July 2010
That's so 90s: Swingers

29 July 2010
Right vs. Wrong
26 July 2010
Personal Record!
17 July 2010
Too Much Noise?
14 July 2010
Got My New Shoes On

12 July 2010
Holy Crazy Town
07 July 2010
Lack of Appeal

05 July 2010
I Need it Now
01 July 2010
And I was Running
So imagine my surprise when, the other day, I realized...I am a runner. I run a few times a week. I enter races FOR FUN. I log my miles, keep track and try to correct what may be hurting, and set (slight) goals.
27 June 2010
16 June 2010
Visions of Costa Rica
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.
17 April 2010
Adios Costa Rica
overcast in manuel antonio. I think Costa Rica is sad to see us go,
but is trying to make it easier on us:-).
Thursday started with an early wake up call and travel to do a canopy
tour. This involved zip lines, rapelling, and a Tarzan swing. I, of
course, failed on the Tarzan swing. Swung over as was told, but didn't
go far enough and swung right back to the first platform. Oops. The
instructors, who enjoyed scaring us, yelled a bit, which freaked me
out more. Needless to say, I did not particularly like that station.
The rest was awesome, but a little slow as we had a dude with us who
was training to be an instructor and was not so great.
We got back and sun greeted us at the Bali House, so we took walks on
the beach and lounged around the rest of the day. Our amazing cook
showed up and presented an awesome meal of tacos, quesadillas, and
more. Yum.
Friday we had no official planned activities, but several of us went
to the national park down the road. At 7.30am, it was already in about
the 80s with severe humidity. So glad we left so early! Because of the
time we left, we also hit a particular part of the forest right in
time for the monkies breakfast. The little guys appeared out of no
where, it seemed, and played and ate, and stared at us. They got very
close, about a foot away...it was awesome!!
Upon return, it was another lazy day by the pool. I did make it down
to Quepos to check out the town (there wasn't too much there) before
parking on a raft on our pool until sundown. I'm thrilled that the
rain stayed away until late last night!
Today we'll head back up to San Jose to catch our flight home. Hard to
believe this week went by so quickly!!
14 April 2010
Lazy Daze
celebrated so hard there were lots of bruises and many pics no one
remembers taking or being in. Even the rain couldn't dull the party.
But it did make for a painful Tuesday. I was up early thanks to the
birds and monkeys...headed to the pool and took a nap. A few hours
later the house started to wake up...most immediately took a nap by
the pool, too. Laura and I spent a few hours at the beach (and in the
water...it's SO WARM here; I've never been in ocean water so warm) and
eventually headed back upstairs.
The sun has not shown its face much on this trip. It's hot, for sure,
but cloudy and rainy. A few of us took a pre-dinner walk last night
and got back to the house moments before the rain started...it
continued all night and through this morning, with thunder &
lightening also making an appearance.
It probably worked out well for us in the end...today we went ATVing,
and what would have been dust was all mud. I made it through in one
piece, one putting my leg out once (ok, maybe twice) and getting in
trouble. While it was fun, it's not something I need to do again, I
don't think.
Now we're back for a quick dip in the pool, then off to the national
park nearby. I am hoping to see more animals...we are seeing tons of
monkeys, iguanas, lizards, crabs, and these big squirrel-looking
things with no tails. The monkeys, while very noisy, are very cute!
13 April 2010
12 April 2010
Down the mountain
and a bit if a headache from the lava juice imbimbed the night before
-- but we all crawled onto the bus to head to our next adventure.
This had been one of my bigger fears -- rapelling down the side of a
mountain. The height, the lack of control...definitely one of the make
it or break it activities.
We took a bumpy ride up to the top of the mountain, and walked through
some fields full of termite nests until we arrived at the edge of the
waterfall and the beautiful rain forest.
The first rapel was pretty easy... Just about 30 feet down the craggy
fall. Then it was a rather rigourous hike to the next spot -- this
tour is definitely not for the out of shape. The second rapel was
about 100 feet...I was terrified when I stepped off the platform (the
"don't worry, we'll hold you" from our Tican guides wasn't that
reassuring as we outweighed them all)...but I made it off with
success! I was feeling pretty good on the 3rd fall, which was only
about 20 feet, and only slightly scared as we approached the final
rapel -- over 200 feet. It was also at that moment the rain started to
pour on down. It was awesome.
We're now in a bus headed to the southwest coast and our own house. We
are all excited to get there...both to see the house and get out of
this insanely driven bus!
10 April 2010
So Fun
The hike was nice...we didn't see much beyond a racoon-like species native or something to Costa Rica. but post-hike, our guides...1. Gave us beer, then 2. brought us to see the awesome lava on the volcano...then 3. gave us more alcohol! It was awesome!
We then went to the hot springs...which had a water slide. It was like being on our own private Manteca awesomeness, but with drinks. It was so fun I can hardly believe it. We missed our bus ride back home, but the nice young man who had attended Cal Poly (yes, we tried to work him for some freebies), called us a cab or two and got us home.
Tomorrow we get up at the butt crack of dawn to go rappelling down the side of a mountain. Yes, I am a little nervous.
The Rough Life
09 April 2010
Bienvenidos a Costa Rica!
Today was mainly spent traveling...we left at 1.30am Friday morning, and after one very quick layover in San Salvador, arrived to San Jose, Costa Rica at about 9.30am. The first flight was a bit painful...I had a crying baby sitting next to me, and behind us, two men who decided a red-eye flight was the perfect time to have a very loud, very boring, five hour conversation. Needless to say, not much sleep was had on that flight!
Once we got to San Jose, we found the driver who would take us to our hotel near the Arenal Volcano, about 3 hours away. The 11 of us climbed into a bus with all our gear and started out on the ride, which was a lot smoother than all our guidebooks had led us to believe it would be! We stopped a few times, at a bank, restaurant, and McDonald's, and finally arrived at our beautiful hotel, Naraya.
This place is AMAZING. They greeted us with cool, fragrant washcloths and a delicious fruity beverage before taking us on a mini-tour of the property, complete with complimentary wine tasting. Soon, we were in our rooms, each of which has a gorgeous porch outfitted with a hammock, bathtub, chairs, and a stunning view of the Arenal Volcano. There is also an outdoor shower on the other side of the bungalow.
The moment we walked into our room we flopped on the beds and kind of forgot to get up to meet our group at the pool. Oops! But the nap felt oh-so-good! Then it was off to dinner, which started off in an...umm...interesting way. As Laura and I were walking over, we could hear singing. We look over and see a young man singing "Your Song," complete with his own words to a young women. We were witnessing a proposal! It was super high on the cheese and long-and-drawn out factor. He finally got down on one knee and she said yes. Sweet way to kick off vacation.
Dinner was amazing. I had a simple Tico dish of Casadas Tipicos, which is rice, beans, plantains, cheese and a salad...it was proof that simple can be better than anything else. We'll be having this dish quite a bit over the next week so I am pretty pumped.
Now it's off to bed...tomorrow we'll have a leisurely morning before heading for a volcano hike and visit to the hot springs.
And Tony, if you're reading, you'll appreciate this....they have the Magic Jack on their computers here at the hotel so guests can make free calls home. Brilliant!
08 April 2010
25 March 2010
So Fresh and so Clean Clean
19 March 2010
16 March 2010
Lazy Dogs
He likes to play so much he climbed into bed with Luca for a nap, but couldn't help himself, and they started a little wrestling (get your minds out of the gutter...they're both boy dogs). But...both dogs were too tired to, you know, actually move from the bed.