I had done my best to get to bed early after a long day at The Princess Project, but sometimes the best laid plans go awry. So when my alarm started sounding at about 6am on a Sunday morning, I again hit the snooze more times than I should have.
Even at the early hour, there were hints of the sweet sweet day that lay ahead. I took my eager poochie on his walk -- unfortunately he bore the brunt of this weekend and was not happy about it -- and the crisp air had that warm low breeze I so love. Once the dog was securely in the house (this sounds easy, but the minute he got a sense that I was leaving he darted out into the hallway, and entertained himself running up and down, past my door and seemingly oblivious to my demands to get his little butt back into the house, for a good 5 minutes), I took off to get my friend and start the day.
At 8am the horn sounded, and we were off and running the Presidio10, a race benefiting traumatic brain injury (TBI). The sun was rising over the City, and the air was warming up. I swear, the organizers of the race must have a connection to Mother Nature, because for a second year, you could not have asked for a more perfect day. On a typical day, it is so windy on the Golden Gate Bridge that it could almost blow you over. The two times I have done this race...hardly a breeze.
This year held a little more meaning for me. A family friend is recovering from a TBI; his mere survival is nothing less than a miracle, and I can only hope that continuing research in this arena can help even more like him. He was definitely on my mind as I raced.
We started to tucker out towards the end, but still finished in what for me was a personal best, so I am pretty excited! The best part about the early morning start? All the exercise for the day was done, and it was off to brunch and Mimosas!!
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