29 July 2010

Right vs. Wrong

Recently, some website called WikiLeaks leaked some confidential information about the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

While I think it is important that we know what is going on there -- the truth of it, not what the media or government wants us to think -- I am really conflicted over leaks like this. I don't know if they are real or not, or if there is some editing going on to spin this even further, but it's more the idea...

I may not agree with the conflict, or the amount our government continues to spend there on a conflict without end...but I don't think our need for truth should compromise the safety of the men and women who have risked their lives to defend my right to disagree. And I can't help but think that this type of thing does indeed do that. If tactical information gets out there, the "enemies" in this conflict could be one step ahead, and be waiting for our troops, putting them even more in harm's way (as well as civilians). And that's not ok.

Like I said, I don't agree with this conflict. I don't see an end and I don't see there is any way we can achieve anything there other than further death and ruin. However, I support our troops and want them to come home safely. And things like this...well, they throw safety out of the window....

1 comment:

Nicole said...

If we're not there and can't improve the situation by knowing then it should be on a 'needs to know' basis. emphasise on the needs