03 October 2009

After arriving, I headed to Amsterdam proper to find my hotel. The
directions made it sound so easy...just leave the train station, make
a right then left. Leave it to me to get lost!

After about 1/2 hour wandering central Amsterdam, I figured out where
the hell I was and where I needed to go. Upon finding the hotel, I was
greeted with the strong smell of Mary Jane, as well as about a
bazillion steps that I needed to climb to make it to my room. I passed
out promptly after I entered (I am in room #9, though...my lucky

I woke up about 6 hours later, still really stuffed up but feeling a
tad better than when I arrived. I cleaned myself up and headed out.

The central area was about 10x more crowded than when I arrived.
People everywhere. I found one street that reminded me of the main
shopping street in Buenos Aires (calle Florida, I think)...similar
stores, just as crowded.

I found a bar with wireless and parked here for a beer before I head
to the Q's to, as Tone put it, start getting my drink on.

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